Maple class were lucky enough to have a talk from the fire service this week. They learned the rhyme, ‘Matches and lighters, never touch, they can hurt you very much,’ talked about how to stay safe from fires and were asked to check for fire alarms in their own homes. We have already had children telling us where the fire alarm is in their house!
Oak class had a lovely day out on the beach at Lee-on-Solent
Oak Class met Tiddles the Tortoise and loved it. They showed such love towards him and were really careful to be gentle and not scare him.
Maple and Sycamore visit to Porchester Castle
Chawton Has Talent Competition - you certainly have got talent Chawton!! Well done to all that participated showing Love, Courage and Fellowship
Alton Plant Festival
Eggars Art Day
Sports Day May 2024
Oak class visit to Longdown Activity Farm
World Book Day 7th March 2024 at Chawton Primary School
Winter Olympics at Chawton Primary School
Our librarians have completed the 'Hampshire School Library eLearning course in Pupil Librarianship'
Rabbi Visit to Maple Class – RE Learning ‘Special Places’
Sycamore class visited the Masjid Abu Bakr Mosque mosque in Southampton
Forest School
Chestnut class visit to Fishbourne Roman Palace
Maple class outdoor learning
Our choir joined The Big Sing at Eggars this week.
Sycamore class's visit to Milestones Museum
Oak Class exploring and getting to know our lovely village
Harvest Festival at St Nicholas' Church
Maple class's learning this week
Chestnut class exploring Viking Artefacts and some excellent Viking posters
Sycamore class enjoying their outdoors art lesson
Maple class making castles as historians
Chestnut Class had a very exciting visitor last week teaching them all about the Vikings
Oak class on their first Forest School outing
Oak class enjoying their new play equipment
Sycamore class enjoying CM Sports dance session
After school Cricket Club
Sports Day 2023
ChickenWired Sculpture visited our school to create a crown, sceptre and orb
Oak class visit to Longdown Activity Farm
Maple class getting active
Maple Class Mothers Day Worship
Our wonderful choir at The Anvil taking part as a singing audience in the Hampshire Music Service's 'My Voice, Our Song' event for well-being and performing
"Book in a Box" competition winners
A few of the very creative and amazing entries for our "Book in a Box" competition.
Author Kristina Stephenson came to the school on World Book Day to lead workshops based on her book "The Museum of Marvellous Things"
Maple class had a chocolate craft day on Monday 27th February - this links with their Learning Quest: "Does chocolate grow on trees?"
Chinese Dance troupe visit to Chawton School
Chestnut's visited Jayne Austen's house to celebrate Cassandra's birthday with a tea party and orchard opening celebrations
Christmas Fayre at Chawton Primary School
Tree planting in Adela Copse in collaboration with Chawton House and the Chawton W1
Christmas Jumper Swop
Be Bright be Seen!
Remembrance Day at Chawton Village Hall
StreetDance assembly - We have our own Strictly contenders!
Maple Class having outdoor fun making a Guy Fawkes
Sycamore Class exploring Ancient Civilisations
Hampshire Constabulary came to school, we are all too good here, no arrests were made on the day!
Forest School and Outdoor Learning is a very important aspect of our learning and is definitely enjoyed by all!
First-aid Friends came to school to help children develop the key skills needed in the area of first response.
Chestnut Class is learning all about Ancient Egypt and has been doing some mummification in class!
We had great fun with the Fire and Rescue Services who came in to see Maple and Sycamore Class
Welcome to Chawton School Oak class!
Chestnut Class went to Ashmolean Museum in Oxford to find all about the Ancient Egyptians
Opening of Spiritual Garden
Jubilee Celebrations at Chawton Primary School
Chawton CoE Primary School Curriculum week to support Say "NO" to 1200 homes! - Chawton Park Farm Proposal
The Duchess of Cornwall's Royal Visit to Chawton!
Projects run by the School Council
Reverse Advent Calendar
Healthy lunchbox competition
iRock Assembly
Chance to Shine Cricket by Alton Cricket Club
Sycamore's Seat Sacks
Outdoor Learning – The pupils love learning outdoors! Here are some pictures from this autumn term. The children have been developing their number skill in the great outdoors! They were looking at bar models for addition and subtraction, their times tables and measuring the length of whales!
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