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School Logo

Chawton C.E.

Primary School

'Love, Courage and Fellowship'

Who's Who




Mrs Zoe Doyle

Mrs Emma Baverstock




Assistant Headteacher, SENDCo, DDSL, Maple class teacher


Mrs Harriet Clarke-Smith Admin Officer, DDSL
Mrs Lizzie Corin Admin Assistant, Data Protection Officer

Mrs Lauren Clark


Oak (Year R) Teacher, EYFS and Key Stage One Lead

Mrs Caitie Ross


Forest School Lead


Miss Anna White


Chestnut (Year 3/4) ECT class teacher

Mr Harry Phelps Sycamore (Year 5/6) ECT class teacher




Mrs Toni Mellon-Backhouse Inclusion and SENDCo Assistant, Key Stage Two Intervention Lead, Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Debbie Poyser Learning Support Assistant, SALSA

Mrs Amanda Richardson


Learning Support Assistant, ELSA, Church Council

Mrs Kayleigh McQuitty


Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Vicki Blythe 

Learning Support Assistant, ELSA

Mrs Kimberley Hayes


Learning Support Assistant, Librarian

Miss Naomi Hedges

Mrs Anna Bhawan


Learning Support Assistant


Learning Support Assistant

Mr Roy Marvin          Caretaker

Mrs Alison Williams Out of School Care Provider





