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School Logo

Chawton C.E.

Primary School

'Love, Courage and Fellowship'

School Values, Vision and Ethos

Jesus said "I have come so that you might have life – life in all its fullness." John 10:10 Jesus encouraged all his children to live life in all its’ fullness. Through our core values of love, courage and fellowship, and with an enquiry approach to our inter-disciplinary curriculum, our children enjoy learning about themselves, about others and the world which we are guardians of.


‘Be kind, never give up and work together.’



Love: Understanding to love ourselves and one another alongside developing a deep-rooted love for learning.




Courage: To show perseverance. To ask questions; to take measured risks; to have the courage and confidence to stand up for what you believe is right and to have the voice to say it.



Fellowship: In fellowship with our entire community, we value strengths and uniqueness so that everyone has a strong sense of belonging. We celebrate the progress towards being independent life-long learners so that our children achieve happiness and success.





Our VISION and VALUES and why they are important to us:

The Bible Stories we use to Teach our Core Values.
