As mathematicians, our INTENT is:
to provide pupils with the numeracy skills that they will need in their future lives, developing a mathematical curiosity.
We want pupils to make meaningful connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. We will foster confidence and perseverance in mathematical enquiry so that pupils are determined to seek solutions to a range of challenges and ensure that they have the necessary vocabulary to reason and explain their mathematical thinking. Through enquiry and creative problem solving, children will learn to love challenge and build skills in collaboration, reasoning and thinking.
Our mathematics curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum, following the Hampshire Phase Model which is cyclical, allows for interweaving and reflection which enables us to return to concepts to further embed knowledge and understanding across many different contexts.
In Early Years, our pupils develop a strong grounding in number so that all pupils develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically. Pupils should be able to count confidently, develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, the relationships between them and the patterns within those numbers.
We IMPLEMENT this through:
The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:
At Chawton, we:
Times Tables
Here are some links to some videos to support you in helping your child learn their times tables. The tables are put to pop songs in order to help the children remember the times tables pattern. They are links to external sites and there will be adverts in them: there is little we can do to prevent this. The videos are aimed at Key Stage 2 children, but the younger children may enjoy them too.
Times Table Practice Sheets
Please see below for a list of links to download those all-important times table.
Being able to fluently recall all times tables from 1x up to 12x is going to be a HUGE advantage in school and will make maths SO much easier! Test yourself - can you give the answer to any times table question within FIVE seconds? If you can, you know that times table well enough!
Don't forget that there a whole range of little tricks and sneaky shortcuts you can use if you are struggling with a particular times table. Doubling in particular is a great technique - the 4x table is just double the 2x table, and the 8x table is just double the 4x table! The 6x table is just double the 3x table, and the 12x table is just double the 6x table!
There's more! If you need to times a number by 9, times it by 10 first and then take away the multiple (eg. for 9 x 6, do 10 x 6 first to give you 60, then take away 6 which equals 54). The 7x table often causes problems seeing as it has no real pattern, but it can be made easier by multiplying your number by five first, then by two and adding your two answers together (eg. for 6 x 7, do 6 x 5 first to give you 30, then 6 x 2 to give 12, then add 30 and 12 together to give 42).
Don't forget that you can also swap the two digits around if you find the times table of the other number easier to work out, and it will still give you the same answer (eg. for 5 x 7, try 7 x 5 instead - much easier!). Keep practising, and good luck!
The impact of our mathematics curriculum is that all pupils are confident mathematicians who can confidently speak, think, calculate and reason about the subject.
Pupils are engaged with their mathematical learning and naturally make connections within the subject and to the wider world. When tackling problems, pupils can select from a range of strategies to enable them to accurately and efficiently solve problems.
At the end of each year, the majority of the pupils will be working at Age Related Expectations and some will have progressed further and achieved greater depth.
Pupils secure long-term, deep and adaptable understanding of maths which they can apply in different contexts. Children are well prepared for the next step in their mathematical learning journey.
Our attainment at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 is above that of both Hampshire (LA) and above national average.
Governors, through the Governor Monitoring Plan and Subject Leader Reports, evaluate the work of subject leaders in ensuring that the quality of teaching and learning across the school is at least good. They ensure that pupils are ready for transition to secondary school and are equipped with the skills to flourish and succeed as caring individuals.